Fly Freak Turns 4

Aerial slings and silks hang in front of a brick wall with the words "Fly Freak" painted on it

Thank you for four amazing years!

Time sure does fly! Today we're celebrating our 4th birthday as a brick and mortar. That's four years in the Hamline-Midway neighborhood of St. Paul breathing and exploring together in air and land classes, student performance sessions, and live shows. Fabulous art has been made and, most importantly, our beautiful, empathetic, and diverse community of freaks has been connected.

Thank you feels like a drop in the bucket of an ocean of gratitude to every person who has ever stepped in the front door to try a class. We have infinite gratitude for every fly freak! This has been a totally magical experience and we can't wait to see what the next four years bring!


What to Wear to an Aerial Class


10 Benefits of Aerial Yoga